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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Have you seen Sherwood Pictures' latest film Courageous yet?

If not, you must.
I wrote a post on it last year before it came out in the theatre... click here to read it (only if you want to know how awesome God is and how you cannot let hindrances like budgeting get in the way of reaching people's hearts).  ;-)

It came out two days ago on DVD and our family bought it (that day- we have a tendency to not be able to wait ;-) ) and watched it that night.  

The movie was awesome, just like I saw it in the theater (I don't think I've ever laughed so hard or cried in the theater before- wait- I think I cried when I saw Fireproof...)  but what always amazes me with those Sherwood Pictures films is the behind the scenes videos.  When we were watching some last night I was just astounded- it seemed just too good to be true- they pray everyday before they start filming...  they pray during tough scenes, they pray when they are trying to come up with a movie concept- they base their movie concept not on what they can do, not on the budget they have, not on their ability, but simply on what they feel the message is that God wants them to portray.  The lesson that they feel God wants their viewers to learn.  

That is the kind of movie that I want to see!  

Here's the trailer to whet your appetite :-)

Let me know if you have seen it and what you think of it!  ;-)


  1. Ahhh. It looks SO good, now I need to see it! :)


  2. Hi,
    We saw it last night! It was a amazing movie!
    It is a must see:)

    Hope all is well.
