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Thursday, April 17, 2014


Out come the to-do lists.  Papers, sticky notes, pens, spirals, everywhere... lists, reminders, checkboxes.  All in the name of "getting stuff done".

I'm a get-er-done kinda gal.  I like to plow through things.  I like to check things off.  The feeling of accomplishment is intoxicating to me.

All too often though, I find my work or my current "plan" being sabotaged by this crazy little thing called....life.  My lists end up unfinished.  Blog posts sit in the draft folder, novels remain unwritten, aspirations gather dust.  Responsibilities take over dreams, and I find myself merely surviving.

Life gets in the way of my ambitions, and I crumble.  Why?

I find my security in the stuff I "get done".  I feel like if I do "great things for God" that I'm doing what I should be doing, right?  And yet, when my plans are frustrated, why do I feel like reacting in an unChristian manner, if my motivations were correct?

In the midst of the chaos, the craziness of life, I have learned one of the most beautiful secrets: Jesus comes first.  I know, okay...that sounds cliche.  But it's truth.

God requires first and foremost of me to be completely in love with Him.  Everything else that "gets done" is secondary.

In fact, in the book of Micah, we are released from the bonds that have so tightly gripped man for centuries, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8, emphasis added)

I love the last part.  Jesus wants me to walk with Him.  WITH Him!  Not where He can watch me from heaven, stumbling around, trying to figure it all out for myself.  No, He's standing here on the road with me; all He wants is that I take His hand and let Him walk with me, leading me.

Before I can do anything great, my hand needs to be secure in His.  Before I can tackle my "to-do's", my heart needs time at the cross.  Because what if those things on my list aren't what He has in store for me today?  What if He has a bigger idea as to how He wants to use me in His kingdom?

I heard Leslie Ludy at a conference one time say that the best "time management plan" happens when we take time to pray.

It's hard for me to stop and take time, especially if I accidentally miss my alarm for the morning, or I have especially a lot on my plate for the day.  It's tough for me to slow down!  It's counter intuitive to stop and be still when you're trying to be efficient, right?

But then, Jesus did promise,

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
(Matthew 6:33)

Time for me to rearrange my priorities...a sticky note that just says "Jesus" might be a good start. 

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