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Friday, August 10, 2012

Looking Back at the 2012 Lamplighter Guild {part four}

The remainder of Monday's Dramatic Arts classes were made up of Cathy Sara's "Voice and Stage Acting" and John Campbell's "Music Composition".

  Cathy Sara's enthusiasm and energy were contagious- her heart just seemed to be filled to the top with a love for the Lord.  Her desire to glorify Him with her skills and abilities through sharing them with others shone through as she coached and encouraged us- whether we were "wading through raging rapids" or "crossing a sandy desert", or any of the other wonderful scenarios that she had us in!
  One of the first exercises that she gave us was when we each had a copy of Isaiah 61.  We each had our own line according to our place in succession.  After we had read it through once, sitting around in a circle, she had us get up and walk around while we said our lines.  She then adjured us, her voice rang out in the
room as she excitedly encouraged,  "Proclaim it!  You are telling the world about the mercy of God- how He desires to set the captives free, to bind up the brokenhearted- this is a message- aren't you excited about it?"  Her excitement made my heart race. Her enthusiasm for God's Word was inspiring-who attends an acting class in which they use a passage of scripture to teach vocal inflections?
  Cathy Sara has done work in India with a mission to teach acting as a way of therapy to girls that have been the victims of trafficking and abuse.  Being with her and taught by her, even just for one day, I could see her heart just bursting with love and excitement for the talents and gifts that God has given her and how she desires to share and nurture them in others so that they, too, can be blessed.

 John Campbell's "Music Composition" class was amazing...  This was another class that I had specifically looked forward to in going to the Guild.  I had actually met Mr. Campbell at breakfast that morning and mentioned to him my admiration of his work in "Sir Knight of the Splendid Way".  He laughed and replied, "You know, there are some pieces that write themselves- that was one of them..."
  We all sat in as Mr. Campbell composed music right before out eyes- with three notes that had been shouted out from one of the students upon his request.  He started out with the three notes and experimented with them for a little while- then recorded an about one minute long raw piano piece with them- combining the melody with the corresponding chords to the notes that had been selected.  He showed us how to add to this simple, raw piano piece by layering in different electronic musical instruments- various kinds of strings, reeds, brass, percussion, and others- to create what sounded like an orchestral masterpiece.
  The intimidation of a DAW (digital audio workstation) began to melt away as I sat, inspired (especially every time I heard deep horns- french horns, trombones, they have a special place in my heart...).

So ends my long dissertation on Monday- the first full day at the Lamplighter Guild.
I would write more- about the afternoon's electives, the mysterious "special guest" that Mr. Hamby had been alluding to for weeks, or the games that night- but I fear that I have already beaten this horse enough.  Perhaps I will mention them another time. :-)
You can see photos from the day here!

...to be continued.  ;-)

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